Hold Up! Who Sent You?

As you are in your season of singleness the most important thing to remember is to never be anxious. You want to ask the question, “Who sent you?” My pastor always tells us that there are two reasons why people come into our lives. The first reason is to bring forth blessings, growth, or to push us towards our God given purpose. The other reason is because it’s a trap sent by the enemy. When I thought about being anxious and the enemy, these two scriptures came to mind:

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Both of these scriptures tell us to draw near to God. We do this by first starting with prayer and then asking God to reveal the person’s intentions early on. Ask God to help you see with your spiritual eyes and ignite your discerning spirit. Pray for wisdom and understanding. Seek good and Godly counsel, be patient, and take your time.


Wanting something very much is not a good thing. For starters, if you want something that much more than God—he’s not going to give it to you. That’s because he’s a jealous God and he sees that you will put that man or woman before him. Yes, I get it. All of your friends are married or getting married and you will be the only one single. So—your purpose and path is totally different from theirs. Stop comparing your life to others.

Being anxious disarms you. You will be floating on clouds of “what-if” and not paying attention to the signs of what it really is. If you are not careful, you won’t be able to discern that God did not send that person. Hold up! Who sent you? 

Being anxious causes us to forget the vital question of “Who sent you” in our dating process. Which puts us in a state of becoming wishful, lustful, and desperate. Being anxious causes us to leave our weapons behind and ultimately leaves us open to be attacked by the enemy. Not every door is a Godly door, but how would you know if you are so anxious, that you just want to get in the door.

Prayer Life

Your prayer life is important when discerning and asking God to reveal to you why a particular man or woman is entering into your life. Question everything! Just remember that you’re to ask God to lead you and guide you. Not your friends. Don’t get me wrong, you should always have a village that you can go to and get counsel, but the chief of that village is God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭ESV

A good prayer life helps you discern whether or not the man or woman that has entered your life is a counterfeit or a God sent person. It keeps your mind and thoughts fixated on God, so that he can lead you and guide you. A good prayer life helps you put all your faith and trust in God, so that he can bring your God sent to you at His appointed time and that He will make it plan and clear who she or he is. Remember your God sent always pushes you towards God. A counterfeit distracts you and leads you through a path of ungodliness.

Bad Faith 

Without a good prayer life, that’s when anxiousness comes into play and formulate bad faith or no faith thoughts and decisions. When you become anxious because finally you got approached by that man or finally that woman you pursued is interested in you, you get distracted and mesmerize by your feelings and emotions that you don’t use your spiritual eyes to discern what type of person you have let into your life. By you having bad faith or no faith you are also in a state of double mindedness. A bad faith belief may be formed through self-deception. It causes you to think she or he is so into you, but the truth of the matter is that they never were and and their purpose was to simply steal your joy, your hopes, and the best years of your life. Because you became so anxious, you missed all the red flags until it was too late. This brings me to these two scriptures.

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

‭‭James‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

With bad faith or no faith in God how can you tell the fake from the God sent? How can you see the fraudulent behaviors that are not from God? That’s right, you can’t. That’s because you’re unstable. When you become unstable it’s hard for you to discern good from evil or a counterfeit from your God sent.

Who Sent You?

Asking the question, “Who sent you?” Allows God to shut the door that was opened to bring you heartbreak, setback, confusion, drama, etc. Asking God to reveal to you,“Who sent you?” allow him to shutdown and run off the very thing that was sent to come to distract you, bringing drama and confusion in your life, to set you up for a setback. The very thing that was meant to keep you at the same place of “why me”, loneliness, and being insecure will be overturned by leading with God and asking him to help you discern, “Who sent you”.

‬‬Don’t get caught up in being overly excited about you “finally” catching someone’s attention and you start to develop feelings before deciphering “Who sent you?” Remember this question is very important as you are in your single season, for there are two reasons that people come into your life and not everyone that enters your life is God sent.


Welcome! What better way to start off my very first post. I am both nervous and excited to be embarking on this journey with you. Writing has always been a passion of mine and for years I have gone backwards and forward about whether or not I wanted to share my thoughts, feelings, life, viewpoints, and passions with the world. I am stepping out of my comfort zone. I guess that’s where the nervousness and excitement comes into play.

One of the topics you will see a lot of on my blog is topics relating to relationships. I love relationships. I believe that God created us to have the ultimate relationship with him. From our relationship with God that we foster and build on daily; that relationship is then transferred over to our family, friends, neighbors, and communities.

I will also be writing about life, current events, my random thoughts, opinions, and whatever else comes to mind. These will be my personal viewpoints and what I enjoy writing about as I am on this journey.

As an author of soon to be released book titled, Dating While Waiting I highlight the importance of relationship our teens should have with God and from that relationship they can develop tools to use to stay true to their purity vow. After you finish reading this post head over to my website www.sydraweston.com and get some more information about the book and about me.

Welcome! I hope that with you, this journey will be amazing.

Be Blessed,

Sydra L. Weston.
